Navy Children School, Karwar

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

Chairman's Message

Dear Teachers, Students & Parents associated with NCS Karwar,

It gives me immense pleasure and pride in reaching out to you as the Chairman of NCS Karwar. Our school has been a pioneer in many ways and would strive to be a beacon for educational excellence nurturing young minds, and I am honoured to be a part of this esteemed institution.

At NCS Karwar, we believe in the transformative power of education. We are committed to providing holistic learning experience

I feel privileged to be associated with NCS Karwar and as the Chairman of school I would like to take this opportunity to apprise you all about some of the recent developments and initiatives at the school. We now have approval for opening secondary classes i.e. XI and XII at NCS Karwar. This will surely facilitate schooling requirement of kids in these higher standards and help make Karwar NCS as their preferred choice for education. To give adequate impetus to academics and to prepare our students for competitive exams, the school has signed a MOA with M/s IITians Pace Pvt Ltd for providing quality online interactive classes to senior secondary students.

A separate wing for Primary Classes, newly installed Interactive Panels, a suitable equipped Computer Lab, a well-stocked Library, CCTV surveillance, Teacher's Resource Room; are some of the steps taken towards enhancing the school's facilities. The school will also commence SSB mentoring for secondary classes from AY 2023-24 and towards this a GTO Bay is also being prepared at the school. The various extracurricular activities conducted by school, such as celebration of important days, lectures by imminent personalities, community outreach etc keeps the mind of student agile, develops a sense of responsibility and provides and foundation to excel in any chosen field/fields.

Our commitment to excellence extends to every facet of our institution. NCS Karwar is a young developing school and I am sure with all our combined support the school will become one of the best NCS. We aim to create an environment, where curiosity thrives, where students are encouraged for critical thinking. exploring and discovering. Together with our dedicated faculty, we will nurture a culture of lifelong learning.

I would like to express my gratitude to the dedicated principal, staff, students and parents associated with NCS Karwar for their unwavering commitment to our shared vision of providing quality education. Your collective efforts are the driving force behind our school's success. In the coming academic year, I am confident that we will continue to inspire our students to reach new heights, to be responsible leaders, and to contribute meaningfully to the society.

May the flames of knowledge continue to burn brightly within our school, illuminating the path to a brighter future.

Jai Hind!

KM Ramakrishnan Rear Admiral Chairman

Principal's Message


"Real education should consist of drawing the goodness and the best out of our students. what better books can there be than the book of humanity."

It gives me immense pleasure to pen this message for the third consecutive year. Schools upgradation to senior secondary level has been the highlight of the academic year. Our students have started wining intra NCS competitions, getting international rankings in Olympiads and performing well in sports thus announcing their arrival. The school began with humble beginnings in 2011 and over the last few years has witnessed huge upgrades in infrastructure, facilities and aesthetics.

We are building our school around the theme "Every child is special". Adequate attention is given to the strengths of every child with an opportunity to grow in that particular direction. We are paying great emphasis on environmental education which shall contribute to the overall objective of Swachh Bharat.

The Covid situation imposed many restrictions on interaction with students however we were fortunate to be the first NCS to welcome students back to the campus. Our school magazine is a testimony of our activities, focus areas and student literary inclinations I congratulate and appreciate the editorial team in its efforts to bring out the school magazine.

I take this opportunity to earnestly thank the Management, parents and all stakeholders for their continued support in all of our endeavours. May our students march forward towards being awakened, worthy and responsible global citizens.

Dr. Anjali Singh Principal

Vice Chairman's Message

Education is an integral part of our Naval Society. In a world full of testing times, educating and molding young minds is the most challenging task entrusted to schools. want to take this opportunity to assure the entire Naval community of Karwar on behalf of Team NCS that NCS (Kar) will offer nothing but the best to its students.

Karwar Naval Base is being developed as a smart Naval Base and NCS (Kar) will remain abreast with the developments and match pace in order to be a significant factor towards this.

As infrastructure under Seabird Phase II is progressively handed over to Indian Navy, NCS (Kar) is augmenting its infrastructure to gear up for the anticipated increase in student's strength in next few years. I am glad to announce that we have put in special emphasis on infrastructure augmentation at NCS (Kar) in the recent past. Students and Naval fraternity will witness a quantum facelift in terms of Sports infrastructure, teaching aids, facilities in classrooms, Co-curricular activities, Digital Library and quality of Teaching standards to name a few when the new academic year begins

The unprecedented challenge posed by the COVID 19 and Team NCS's quick response towards it by promptly adopting to virtual mode of learning was praiseworthy. The school will continue to provide a safe, inclusive and supportive environment to incorporate best practices that foster and guide each student's academic and personal development through purposeful learning and productive results.

On this positive note, I wish the students and entire team of NCS Karwar a very successful times ahead.

Jai Hind!

Savitri Panvar Commander Vice-Chairman